Dinner Party Slacking
{"description":"Sarah has been invited to a super posh dinner party by her BFF and has gotten all dressed up for the occasion. She's been promised yummy food and good company but the other party guests are a bit bland... They keep talking about the weather. Boring! Can Sarah spice up this dinner party in her own style without offending the hostess?","stars":89.451732256979483}

Dentist Slacking
{"description":"After eating all those sweets during the holiday season, Sarah needs to go visit the dentist, pronto! The dentist's can be a really scary experience, but not for Sarah; she just finds it boring. Can Sarah brush up a little fun whilst getting her teeth cleaned or will she be left with a sour taste in her mouth?","stars":88.013101958324626}

Nurse Slacking
{"description":"Sarah loves to help people in need and has become a nurse to help spread a bit of happiness to her sick friends. But Sarah's main problem is that she does tend to daydream and become distracted a lot! Can you help Sarah slack off whilst making sure her patients are healthy and happy?","stars":89.218783657643428}

Baby Diaper Change
{"description":"The little baby is crying because he has a dirty diaper. Any babysitter or new mommy should learn how to change a dirty diaper, clean the baby and get him ready to dress up. After the baby is clean and the diaper is new, you should entertain him with the toys. ","stars":85.302273987798117}

Office Slacking 11
{"description":"Yawn! Another boring day awaits Sarah in the office and she can't wait to get home from work and relax with her new husband, Tim. But there are documents that need to be written and stapled... Sarah couldn't possibly get away with slacking today, could she?","stars":88.769560082669031}

Monster Pets Care
{"description":"Did you know that almost all monster ghouls have pets? Frankie has a monster dog Watzit and Clawdeen can't live without her scary cute kitten Crescent. And Lagoona loves her pet piranha Neptuna so much that even takes it with her to the classes! Help the ghouls take care of their monster pets!","stars":87.353629976580805}

Venus mcFlyTrap Facial Makeover
{"description":"Venus McFlytrap is the daughter of the Plant Monster. Venus\\' personality is like her style, bold and loud. Venus has bright green skin with hot pink and green hair, which is shaved on one side and is swept to the left. In this game you get to give her a makeover!","stars":87.636363636363626}

Fishy Fish
{"description":"Fishy the fish wants to be the biggest fish in the whole ocean! Eat up fish smaller than you, but avoid the larger fish otherwise you will get chomped!","stars":82.923976608187132}

Zombie Wedding
{"description":"Who knew that zombies could fall in love? Well, if you listen very carefully, not only do they say \"Braaaaaainnns\" and \"Urrrrrggghh\" but they also say \"Loooovvvvee Me.\" I guess these two scary ghouls found each other just before they devoured a victim!","stars":83.510638297872333}

Hi Kids Hair
{"description":"Hi kids, its time for another hair style. You know what to do! wash the hair, dry it and style it.","stars":85.915813424345842}

Hair Mania 2
{"description":"The bigger the hair, the badder the stylist!Click and drag different styling tools to each client, apply vigorously, and make the biggest hair possible!","stars":85.510009532888461}

Kiss Off Game
{"description":"Kiss Off Game - Find a hotty to kiss avoid the loser stinky smokers!","stars":80.51044083526682}