New Girl Games
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Yes DollyDancer you are right.... I am with you
about 3346 days ago
please stop it Jessie43212 It doesn't work and on this website some little girls are also playing so it is my request to you please stop writing or posting these type of comments.
about 3361 days ago
1. say your name 10 times.
2. say your mum's name 5 times
3. say your crush's name 3 times.
Paste this on 5 other games. If you do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday possible, but if you read this and do not post this, you will et bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 OTHER GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU ARE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THS IS SO FREAKY. IT ACCUALLY WORKS
about 3363 days ago
kiss ur palm 5 times then post this on 10 other games and look under your pillow there will be and iphone or laptop. actually works
about 3364 days ago
Friends!!!Good news for you..!!!I and Lovergirl74 are having a joint fashion show contest....the rules are given below..
1. Add me or Lovergirl74..
2. Write 'Winter" in my gossip page or write 'Summer' on Lovergirl74's gossip page..
3. Result will be announced at 15/01/2016 Friday..
about 3364 days ago