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GirlsGames123.com Privacy Policy

Hey Girls,
It's always very important to be aware of your personal details online, so we're here to tell you some important information like...
  • How girlsgames123.com works.
  • How we work hard to keep you and your personal data protected.

Computers have the ability to store information in something called a cookie. Every time you connect to a website you send the cookies that you have for that websites, when the website returns information it can change these cookies on your computer. When you connect we give you a unique identification made out of numbers and letters, it means when you go from one page to the next we can tell it's still you!

We also use these cookies to track your recently played games, fave games and to keep you logged in to the website. At any time your browser will let you delete your cookies and you can find more information at www.aboutcookies.org! If you do delete your cookies we will see you as a new user, you will also be logged out if you were logged in!

How girlsgames123.com works!
We collect information about what pages you visit, what country you are from and how long you stay on the website as well as information about your browser/computer. We do this from a system that is NOT linked to your GirlsGames123 account and we do it in a way that we cannot link your activity to your username/e-mail or any other personal details. We do this to allow us to see what is wrong with the website and what the majority of users like and do not like. Then, once we have this information we try to improve the site to make all users experiences better!

If you sign up or register we keep a copy of your username and e-mail address as well as any other messages/content you create. We will NEVER give your e-mail to other people unless you say that we can, we will use your e-mail to help you recover your password if you lose it or if you say we can send you promotional e-mails. You can turn this off by changing the mail me button in your profile settings.
The content you create on the website like comments and highscores' are public to most other users and you should never post anything you are not willing for everyone to see. From time to time we may also ask you to fill out a survey and we may make the results of the survey public, however we will NEVER give away what you answered, just what the collective community answered.

Third Party Advertisers
Around the website you will be able to see adverts from other companies, this is how we make the money to pay for the website and make our great games. These companies may collect information about you and target adverts to suit you. They may track your use of other websites to give you adverts as well. We cannot see this information but they can! Some of these advertisers allow you to opt-out of targeted advertising, just go to www.youronlinechoices.com and networkadvertising.org for more information!

We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit networkadvertising.org.

If you are an adult and still have questions about our policy then please e-mail us at admin@girlsgames123.com
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